Wednesday, May 9, 2007

False Claims

there is one thing i especially hate in forming new friendships is abusing someones trust or care because you are bored or need a compliment. If i really do feel like i know someone well enough and they do this to me then usually i will play along with such charades as it usually leads to whatever issue that is of concern being talked about and resolved. If i have only known the person a short amount of time then that shit doesn't fly with me.

I had recently been chatting to a mate on and off over a couple of months when he through such a deal breaker onto the table. We aren't close and i don't really know him – but we chat still. He says he wants to kill himself because he is depressed. Naturally such a remark pricks my ears and i give this person 110% of my attention negating all others around me. When i try to get a conversation flowing and find the root of the problem all i get is fighting back. This person was looking to shock me for the sake of a few good words. He was not going to commit suicide – he even admitted this himself. I left that at that and pretty much classed this person as a waste of my time, i don't like being fucked around and this person did it to me.

While not completely cutting this person out i now entered any conversation with him with caution as is began to understand how this person worked. Out of nowhere he tell me he thinks he is anorexic. Again i open a discussion but get nothing back – and he then quickly changes the conversation topic. This annoys me.

His false claims have pretty much stopped me from interacting with him – i don't have the energy or effort to bother dealing with this person anymore, and thus they are now gone from my life.


To me evolution seemed to occur out of necessity to adapt to onces habit – which is why there are many different breeds of the same animals with each slightly altered. Evolution usually brings with it improvement or adaption that makes the creature more capable of surviving.

I think we have fucked this up.

We have different races because of evolution. Each race must therefore be slightly different from each other and be more evolved in one aspect where the other is less. With travel now days we are no longer separated, with technology doing the hard work for us we no longer need to adapt to our surrounding, we make it adapt to us.

While we are the shit now how long will this last? We are stopping our own significant evolution by controlling our habitat. Our habitat use to control us.

Along with this we have probably undone many steps of evolution by interbreeding between races. While we all have our own strengths it is therefore possible that we all have our own weaknesses. It would be possible that because of this subsequent offspring could suffer from diseases or illnesses or anything really that had previously been fixed by one of the races itself.

And to further ad fuel to the fire evolution is also tagged with the fight or flight quote, so either we adapt or we die. Prehistorically people with disabilities or injuries or illnesses would have been left to die because their genes were looked at as being no good to mate with, but now with medicine and therapies and technology we no longer perceive this as the case as we have risen up our instinctual behavior because we have developed empathy. We are letting these genes now stay in our gene pool, making it harder and harder for us to streamline and improve what we currently have.

I'm not saying these things to exclude any races nor am i having a go at people with disabilities, merely i am making and observation of how i think evolution worked for us in the past and how it has been altered in this day and age.