Friday, January 12, 2007

penis envy

for reasons i'm not privy to tell you i didn't want to stick a giant picture of a penis for this post, i mean, i'm sure some of you would enjoy that but for now you can just contend with Whitney from my last post.

i'm here to talk about a very serious subject, penis envy.

of late i have noticed this going on at work but it doesn't have anything to actually do with our penis, no , no sir-ee. it has to deal with the level of the building you get off at.

there are thirteen (13) floors in my building and i am lucky to be on the twelfth (12). every morning i am faced with catching an elevator filled with suits while i am in just a casual shirt and pants. i see the way they look at me, like i'm trash, i'm use to that look. they do think they are better than me and i love it. as we go up floor by floor i watch as they exit little by little. some look confused that i'm still in the lift, others shocked.

i get the best reaction when i let everyone board and the elevator starts and i then press the button to my floor, every time i push that button i kill a little bit of them inside every time. it makes me happy.

i walk away rejoicing that there is only one floor higher than mine, and that they are all cock heads and that i am way better than them.

till next we meet,
jiggly puff

1 comment:

Paul said...

Well the air is always better up there, and they have those tiny little cakes with the cream filling in them.

Ive always thought elevation was the key... now all i need to figure out is what it opens.

And FYI you cant pull that off..