Sunday, January 14, 2007

why old people suck

i have been surrounded by old people of late have come to pretty clear conclusion. they suck.

there is definately a generation gap between me and them and even though i play nice and try to look like i care what they are talking about, i do not. old people talk down to me, they explain things for an hour which i already understand even though i tell them this, they go off on tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the problem at hand and they also have a slight 'smell' about them.

they usually have scary hair problems (see below), like weird foods and favor unflattering clothes. they lick their lips before they kiss, they tell you how they want you to look, they hate your hair and your beard, they hate your baggy pants and your shoes.

they hate our music, they hate our friends. what they hate most of all though is being told what to do by someone younger than them.

what i love to do is tell them what to do.

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